Hello, that would be a wonderful feature to be able to delete a file directly from Skybox, that is in a samba share.

Ability to delete files is included in smb protocol, so that should be fairly easy to implement ;-)

Thanks in advance for your consideration! Your player is awesome, for me it's the only important feature missing

    That would seem a very dangerous option. I wouldn't want anyone viewing my media shares then deleting my files.
    But then again, the actual ability to delete files is a SMB share access authority control.

      a month later

      I guess you should not consider something that you see dangerous as something others need shouldn't have. It could be easily convenient for your utilisation and mine with an option feature "allow to delete currently playing file" or something like this.

      • Lucy replied to this.
        4 days later

        GregZone If you want to protect your files, just control the permissions of the user that you use to connect to the SMB share to prevent deletions.

          9 months later

          Is this feature on the roadmap at all?

          Im really missing it. I have a large collection of media and i really want to be able to delete an episode or movie as soon as I watched it or found boring.

          My collection is constantly growing as I have automated downloads set up and it is frustrating that I have to use my laptop to do clean ups instead of just deleting files right from the app.

          Can anyone from the devs comment please on whether we should expect this feature at all? this topic has been brought up many times by now.

          • Lucy replied to this.

            Hello, I'm sorry that deleting files from a Samba share is not listed as one of our priorities now.

              I'd like to add a +1 for this feature.

              For me personally it's pretty much at the top of my feature request list. I'd love being able to delete movies after watching them to save space. Currently I have to manually do that afterwards from a computer, which is a waste of time when you have a large collection.

              • Lucy replied to this.
                8 months later

                I came here looking to see if this was a feature yet. Would love to see this in an upcoming release

                • Lucy replied to this.
                  6 days later

                  not yet and still the most important missing thing for me. but it seems there is not much dev on the app lately

                  • Lucy replied to this.
                    7 months later

                    +1 please. Either via SMB or app.

                    • Lucy replied to this.
                      13 days later
                      2 months later

                      Any news here ? would be awesome to have that feature.
                      Should be issue with the rights, if the account dont have the rights you cant delete anything, its managed by the device which providing the smb share, like a nas where you set up the rights for the user on the specific folders.

                      • Lucy replied to this.
                        4 days later

                        +1 for this, been waiting for this feature for a while

                        • Lucy replied to this.
                          4 months later

                          Also agree this would be a very useful feature.

                          • Lucy replied to this.

                            +1 from me, would be a fantastic feature. If TV Ep or movie was bad quality or boring, just delete it right there!

                            • Lucy replied to this.

                              Hey all, thank you for your feedback and vote! We'll consider adding this feature in a future release.

                                10 days later

                                Yes I think will be much appreciated

                                • Lucy replied to this.