+1 please. Either via SMB or app.
delete file from a samba share
+1 vía SMB
+1 for the feature, it would be very useful.
Any news here ? would be awesome to have that feature.
Should be issue with the rights, if the account dont have the rights you cant delete anything, its managed by the device which providing the smb share, like a nas where you set up the rights for the user on the specific folders.
+1 for this, been waiting for this feature for a while
+1000 Really needed
Also agree this would be a very useful feature.
+1 from me, would be a fantastic feature. If TV Ep or movie was bad quality or boring, just delete it right there!
Hey all, thank you for your feedback and vote! We'll consider adding this feature in a future release.
Yes I think will be much appreciated
+1 Definitely a must-have feature! Please! Thank you!
bottedumal GregZone bottedumal ziloni Sergii fortinmike gmullo bottedumal tomasa alelo is_this_taken bestgrafix rotoq NextLevel nok Stratozsphere alfredive pgohyc
Hey all,
The new beta v1.1.6 supports deleting SMB files. You can switch to the new beta v1.1.6 and have a try! For more info, check this post.
If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact us.