• Official
  • [SKYBOX VR] Stop Version Update for Quest 1

Dear Quest 1 users,

Our version updates will stop for Quest 1 after v1.1.4 since new features will not be supported on Quest 1 headset by Meta officially.

We will continue to provide support for your headset with a few changes.

  • You can continue to use SKYBOX version 1.1.4 by switching to channel V1.1.4 (Quest 1) in Quest store.
  • New versions after v1.1.4 won’t be shipping to Quest 1.
  • We will continue to provide support for Quest 1 users while you’re having trouble using v1.1.4.

Thank you for your long time support and understanding for SKYBOX.


    Jenny stickied the discussion.

      For videos with green screen, does the passthrough work with that? Can it get rid of the green screen?

      • Lucy replied to this.

        Hello, the current passthrough feature doesn't work with the videos with green screen. We'll consider supporting that in the future releases.

          a month later

          Hi Lucy

          Any chance you can add the IMAX theatre in next update back to quest 1 v.1.1.4

          It's the one feature was looking forward too on quest. It would be nice last update to have the IMAX.

          hope you can consider it.


          2 months later

          Hi there, sorry we won't add new features to the Quest 1 version.

          If you really want to try out the YouTube feature, you can switch to the "1.1.5 Beta: 1.1.5" channel.

          1. Visit SKYBOX VR Player product detail page with browser or Meta Quest mobile app. (Make sure you login to your Facebook/Meta account)
          2. Click "Version" and select "1.1.5 Beta Release: 1.1.5"
          3. Uninstall and reinstall SKYBOX on your Quest.

            Lucy Thanks for the reply.
            Does the beta version work on Quest 1?

            I hope skybox will be available at the Pico store soon. Please make it happen so everyone can enjoy movies in top quality.🙏🏾

              4 days later

              Great to see you tube feature but it was limited to 4k i guess, hope it gets 8k in future
              thanks for the update


                • Lucy replied to this.


                  您可以按照以下步骤切换至 1.1.5 beta 版本:

                  1. 通过手机端 Meta Quest 应用或网页登录 Quest 商店,访问 SKYBOX VR Player 应用详情界面
                  2. 确保您已登录 Facebook/Meta 账号,然后点击“版本”旁的下拉菜单,选择“1.1.5 Beta Release: 1.1.5”。
                  3. 带上头显,点击版本更新按钮或卸载重装应用。

                  另外,如果您想在 SKYBOX 里看 YouTube 视频,需要您的网络能正常访问 YouTube 。感谢您的理解与支持!

                    Lucy 你好 我已经付费买过这软件 但是不是beta用户 是一定要beta用户才可以界面看到1.1.5吗 因为我现在手机上和quest2里看meta商店都没有1.1.5 还是1.1.4最新版 你看能不能拉我进beta版呢 我是油管和skybox重度用户 我meta嗯id就是bright_drew 要是实在不行的话 也请告诉我一下你们何时正式发布1.1.5吧 等不及啦 谢谢

                    • Lucy replied to this.

                      您好,在 Quest 商店里的 SKYBOX VR 播放器详情界面,点击“版本”旁的下拉菜单,所有用户应该都可以看到并自行切换到 v1.1.5 beta 版本。请您再试一下,有问题可随时联系我们(contact@skybox.xyz)。 😀

                        Lucy 谢谢 藏得挺深 安装了1.1.5了 另外我发现里面油管是没有登陆自己账号选项的 只能看随机视频 如果搜索自己想看的东西也是没有中文输入法 就挺不方便的 请问您们这边后期会考虑加入登陆个人油管账号的功能吗 毕竟还是更想看自己订阅的那些频道 或者适配个中文的内置输入? 谢谢

                        • Lucy replied to this.


                          目前,您可以到 SKYBOX 官网,下载 SKYBOX PC/Mac 客户端(AirScreen),然后将您想要观看的 YouTube 视频链接复制到客户端(AirScreen)内,戴上头显并进去“本地网络”或“AirScreen”找到您的 PC/Mac 文件夹便可观看已添加的 YouTube 视频了。

                            Lucy 好吧 谢谢 算是曲线救国吧 还是希望能有直接一体机内登陆油管账号的功能 也期待你们下一版更新

                              a month later

                              Lucy can I get a refund? The features I use are crippled now with the latest updates. I can no longer watch with my family on the same network. This app is worthless to me now. The pop-up asking to dismiss the app when my family used to use it all together is enough to make us delete this and find another alternative.

                              • Lucy replied to this.

                                Hi there,

                                Do you mean the pop-up message "Multiple Devices Can't Access This App at the Same Time"? If so, it's not caused by SKYBOX updates, it is due to Meta updates. You will also encounter this pop-up when you use other apps simultaneously with the same account on multiple devices.

                                If you'd like to ask for a refund, please contact Oculus Support directly for a refund. You can also follow this link to refund.

                                We, as software developers, cannot issue refund for users purchasing on Oculus platform.

                                Thank you for your understanding.

                                  Can you support usb-c driver in the future? i really want this function please.

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