
Thanks for all the hard work first of all! you guys are the best!

Second of all, I'd like to post some issues/bugs I've found with the latest update.

1) When you change the lighting in a scene, like, I like to have the Void scene all the way black. In the older version it wouldn't stay with that setting locked in when I would move to the Movie Theater scene, the setting will be normal there and only locked at "Darkest" when I would pick Void. Can you put it back the way it was?

2) The Zoom In/Out is WAY faster now than it was before and I dislike it, I would ask to please put it back to how it was in terms of pace of zooming in and out. Thanks

3) The entire select screen [I mean, main menu, not when you're inside a movie watching] is smaller and it's harder to look. It's really too small in my opinion, if you could get it back it be great.
I saw something in the settings called "Resolution" something, I think? not sure what it does but it doesn't have any impact on it for me.

And a general idea:
How about a pick a "Subtitle Font" option? people might be into it, no big deal not to have it, just an idea.

    Also, there's apparently a new issue. A big one.

    When I'm in the menus select screen, I can hear sounds [scrolling sounds, menu sounds, etc] - before picking a movie to watch. It works fine.

    But now inside a movie, it stops coming through the headphones, it comes out of my speakers! the playback device changes?

    My rift is connected to the computer, and now I have to manually change the playback device in order to hear the movie playing, what is going on?

    Image - Forces me to pick "Oculus" headphones, manually. It never did before. The weird part is during the Skybox menus it does work fine via headphones but the actual movie watching it doesn't.

      3rd Problem/Bug - Something weird is happening to some of the thumbnails - It never happened on the previous version. See the 2nd and 4th one on top.

        4th Problem/Bug - Sorry for piling on, but I 100% hate this change, super frustrating.

        For some reason you decided to add a "Big Skip" option, so when I try to fast forward or backwards, while the stick is slightly up, it advances in 5 minutes or so.

        WHY?, it's super-sensitive and almost every time I'm trying to fast-forward or go backwards 5 seconds, it does 5 minutes. Why did you even add this feature? no one ever needs to skip 5 minutes at a time, not once.

        If someone wants to go that to a certain spot in a movie, they can just pick the exact time line on the bar.

        PLEASE remove this or at least make it far less sensitive to activate, it's very frustrating.

          Also did they finally fix the terrible stuttering when pinning a folder full of movies?

          And added search?


            Thanks so much for your detailed feedback!

            We reproduced the sound issue in our studio and we'll fix the problem in the next update.

            Regarding the thumbnail problem, we'll further look into the problem and try improving the thumbnail accuracy. It would be better if you can tell us where downloaded the videos. In this way, we can download more this kind of videos for testing and debugging purpose.

            Plus, we'll take a closer look at other issues you mentioned, and I'll get back to you with more information later.

            Kind regards,

              Lucy Hey Lucy, thank you so much for addressing the issues!

              The biggest one is definitely the sound one so I'm glad you already taken care of the fix, looking forward to the next update fixing it.

              The thumbnail issue came from downloading episodes of season 3 of Ozarks from RARBG website, do you want a direct link to the torrent?

              Truly looking forward to hear about the more information you'll have about the other issues! thank you again!

              • Lucy replied to this.


                As you told us the website, we can download videos from that website directly. 😃

                Regarding the fast-forward issue, it may due to the precise seek function in the new version. And we assume this problem only happens to certain videos, right?

                After testing the speed of zooming in/out, we noticed that the new version is twice as fast as the old version. We'll have a discussion about this feature later.

                Let us know if you have any problems when using the new Rift version.



                  As you told us the website, we can download videos from that website directly. 😃

                  Great 🙂

                  Regarding the fast-forward issue, it may due to the precise seek function in the new version. And we assume this problem only happens to certain videos, right?

                  I guess I didn't check all type but it has happened in a bunch of them I've tried. It never happened before, never skipped a lot of minutes at once in the older version and I don't understand why it's needed.

                  After testing the speed of zooming in/out, we noticed that the new version is twice as fast as the old version. We'll have a discussion about this feature later.

                  Sounds good 😀 , hopefully it slows down.

                  Lucy Let us know if you have any problems when using the new Rift version

                  Will you consider possibly sizing up the menus like in the previous rift so it be easier to see?

                  And lastly, the Darkness setting, that it won't remain when you switch scenes?

                    2 months later


                    I saw the latest updated said the Zoom and Thumbnails are fixed both but aren't.

                    The sound issue has been fixed though.

                    The lighting in the background... when you make one "Scene" darker is still a bug because when you move to another "Scene" it keeps that darkness setting instead of remembering what it used to be. The older SkyBox had it right.

                      9 days later

                      Hi, the latest update is for Oculus Quest and Quest 2 only. The thumbnails issue will be fixed in our next updates. What's more, it's designed to save the darkness settings when you change environments.

                        Lucy Hi!

                        Yeah I've seen those issues on the Quest 2.

                        The Zoom is still really fast on the last update I've seen.

                        Regarding the darkness setting - I hope I understood you correctly, you're saying the issue is fixed? so when you change an environment it will remember the last setting you had when you were on That particular environment like how it used to be in the older versions instead of remembering your latest setting on a different environment?

                        Basically if I'm on Void and want it to be fully dark, when I go to the movie theater, it won't be fully dark, it would be which setting of lighting I had when I last was on the theater [let's say 3 out of 5 instead of 5 out of 5 like with the Void]

                        • Lucy replied to this.


                          Using Rift v1.1.0, the speed of zooming in/out is twice as fast as the previous Rift version. However, it's the same as that of Quest v1.1.0. After discussion, we decided to keep that pace of zooming in/out.

                          If you change the darkness/lighting setting in one environment, the setting will be employed to all environments. That is to say, when you change to a new environment, the darkness/lighting settings will still remain the same(it will remember your latest setting on a different environment).

                          Although it's different from the previous version, it's not a bug. We made some changes on the new version. 🙂

                            25 days later

                            Boyhard37 Hey, hope you're doing well! The latest SKYBOX v1.1.0(543) on Rift has fixed the audio issue for you (menu sound effect and movie sound do not come out of the same output device). I know this issue has been raised long time ago and I really appreciate your support and patience! Feel free to contact us if you have any issues.

                              Lucy Hey Lucy, thanks for taking the time to address those issues.

                              Can I ask for an explanation though?

                              Why do you prefer the Zoom to be soo fast? it makes it harder to pin-point exactly how we want to watch things.

                              Also, ever worse, why is changing the setting once affects all environments? it used to remember the setting specifically for the one environment you're on, not all which made a ton more sense.

                              Can I get an explanation to why make those changes? from a logic-stand point.

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