- Edited
Thanks for all the hard work first of all! you guys are the best!
Second of all, I'd like to post some issues/bugs I've found with the latest update.
1) When you change the lighting in a scene, like, I like to have the Void scene all the way black. In the older version it wouldn't stay with that setting locked in when I would move to the Movie Theater scene, the setting will be normal there and only locked at "Darkest" when I would pick Void. Can you put it back the way it was?
2) The Zoom In/Out is WAY faster now than it was before and I dislike it, I would ask to please put it back to how it was in terms of pace of zooming in and out. Thanks
3) The entire select screen [I mean, main menu, not when you're inside a movie watching] is smaller and it's harder to look. It's really too small in my opinion, if you could get it back it be great.
I saw something in the settings called "Resolution" something, I think? not sure what it does but it doesn't have any impact on it for me.
And a general idea:
How about a pick a "Subtitle Font" option? people might be into it, no big deal not to have it, just an idea.