Yum 90Hz support on Quest 2
Hi. Hopefully the 90Hz support on Quest 2 will still allow 72Hz?
The reason I ask is that when comparing the SKYBOX playback of 23.976 / 24fps movies on my Quest 2 at 72Hz, versus my higher resolution Reverb G2 (which is fixed at 90Hz), the motion does appear smoother and more pleasing on the Quest 2.
I assume this is because 72Hz is a nice 3x multiple of the 24fps movie rate (no dropped frames), whereas 90Hz intrudes some motion artifacts due to it's 3.75 multiple display refresh.
So, does "90Hz support" also mean you will be adding a 72Hz setting option (like your existing 60Hz setting), or, will SKYBOX be smart enough to switch to 72Hz when playing back 23.796 / 24fps video content?
Thanks in advance for clarifying this point. I'd hate to loose the 72Hz movie playback motion smoothness. Equally, I'd prefer not to have yet another manual setting that I need to do, each time a I watch a movie (like the Aspect Ratio override I currently need to do for 3D Full SBS movies). All the best for 2021, and keep up the great work.