When I'm watching movies offline there's an advice popping up, that I'm not connected to the internet. Is there a way to turn this off?
Watching movies offline
8 days later
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Sorry for the late reply!
What VR device do you use please?
If possible, please share with us a record video at contact@skybox.xyz so we could understand better about the issue you are facing.
Thank you and looking forward to your email.
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I' m using the Oculus Quest and while using Skybox offline, an advice pops up, that I' m not online. I want to watch movies offline, without connecting my Quest to the internet.
5 days later
We have never encountered such issue when using SKYBOX offline so we do not know under what circumstance did you see the pop-up window.
It shouldn't be there.
Please share with us the record video of your screen so we could better understand the issue here.
Thank you for your patience and support.