
I love the work you're doing on Skybox. I do have two questions on if you can fix the following:

1) Before the update, I was able to double click on the left oculus touch - Menu Button - and it would pause the movie I was watching. For some reason you guys removed it, any chance you could bring it back? [i know you also use the trigger button but the menu button is easier for me to use, heck, if you can make it a single click instead of double it be better :) ]

2) This isn't related to the new update and again, not a big deal at all. But when I use the "Void Screen" - I prefer to make all the way black in the setting. However, everytime I go back in Skybox, while it does remember in the menu that I put it at "1" which makes it all the way black, in reality, it still shows some background stars and gray area as if it was on "2" setting. Any chance you could keep it on "1" in affect when I re-enter?

    Another issue I found is regarding zooming in. For some reason, when I zoom in/out instead of just stopping after one additional scale [like in the previous version], it sometimes automatically moves all the way down to the smallest scale. Very weird.

    • Yum replied to this.


      Thank you for the feedback :)

      1. We fixed it and will release a new version very soon.
      2. Also fixed :)
      3. Zooming: haven't been able to recreate the issue so cannot locate the root cause. Will keep trying.
        Are you using the controller or the slide bar to zoom please? And what video do you zoom (flat/180/360)?

      Looking forward to your reply.

        Hey Yum,

        Thank you for fixing everything!!, really appreciate it!

        I'm using the controller [as in joystick] to zoom in and out. And flat video.

          Hi Yum,

          Actually if you don't mind, I'd like to ask something regarding the pausing with the double click on the left touch controller menu button.

          I noticed you now also added that if you press it once, the skybox movie bar menu appears, it wasn't the case before. May I please ask that instead of doing it like that, either go back to how it was previously where double click only paused the movie or even better, make it a single click make it pause?

          There are a lot of ways to reach the skybox movie bar menu, trigger button, X button, for examples, so I don't think that is also needed on the menu button and it makes it harder to pause now.

          Thanks for the considerations and help!

          • Yum replied to this.


            Boyhard37 I noticed you now also added that if you press it once, the skybox movie bar menu appears, it wasn't the case before.

            It's actually the case as before. However we did find some bugs related to double click.
            We have already fixed it and released a beta version.
            Please try :)

            We haven't changed the zoom feature.

              Yum Oh really? my bad! I'm not sure how I forgot it opened the bar even though I've been using Skybox for years hahaha.

              But yeah!, thanks bud, I did notice it's easier to pause now using the Menu button. Even though I still think there should be a button [any button] that pauses the movie in one click, it is easier now to double click the menu button!

              As far as the zoom feature. I'm 100% sure it's different than before the previous big update [the one from about a week ago]. When I try to use the left touch controller joystick to zoom in closer, it just decides to scale all the way down to the smallest amount automatically pretty often. Not every time I touch it, but it does quite often. If you want, I try to record a video of the issue. If you're trying to re-create it, I would suggest not to zoom in all the way or out all the way, when I'm trying to find the "perfect placement" it's somewhere in the middle and then it happens.

              • Yum replied to this.

                Boyhard37 When I try to use the left touch controller joystick to zoom in closer, it just decides to scale all the way down to the smallest amount automatically pretty often.

                Yes we did notice this issue. We haven't yet found a pattern on it.
                But we will definitely fix this.
                Please be patient with us :)

                  Yum Of course!, you guys are amazing for skybox, thanks for fixing it!

                  All I can add is, it's a new issue with the scale, it wasn't around before the update. Thanks Yum!

                    Hey Yum,

                    I totally forgot to post afterwards but I used Skybox last night and it seems the the zoom issue is now fixed! [or at least from experience yesterday, I haven't noticed it], that's awesome, thanks Yum!

                    • Yum replied to this.


                      Thanks for the feedback!
                      We have already released the official version of Rift/Rift S yesterday.
                      If you spot any issue please let us know :)


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