I love the work you're doing on Skybox. I do have two questions on if you can fix the following:
1) Before the update, I was able to double click on the left oculus touch - Menu Button - and it would pause the movie I was watching. For some reason you guys removed it, any chance you could bring it back? [i know you also use the trigger button but the menu button is easier for me to use, heck, if you can make it a single click instead of double it be better :) ]
2) This isn't related to the new update and again, not a big deal at all. But when I use the "Void Screen" - I prefer to make all the way black in the setting. However, everytime I go back in Skybox, while it does remember in the menu that I put it at "1" which makes it all the way black, in reality, it still shows some background stars and gray area as if it was on "2" setting. Any chance you could keep it on "1" in affect when I re-enter?