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  • Is this coming to Oculus Rift/Vive/OpenVR?


First i wanted to thank for creating the best VR player i have seen. Even paid ones in PC pale in comparison with this!

I just wanted to know are you planning on bringing this to PC?

And have you thought about supporting "multiplayer" so you could watch movies with friends?

..:: DARKKi / NZTi! ::..

    Hi, DARKKi. We have a plan on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. We are testing a beta version on these platforms and will release in the next few days. And we do have a thought about building "multiplayer" feature. But we are still considering the way of "how to invite friends". We will develop it immediately when we figure out the best way. Thank you.

      Hi Darkki,

      We are glad to hear that you are enjoying our product!

      We will be on Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in the near future.

      When connected under the same Wi-Fi network, you can stream videos from PC to your mobile devices with 'Airscreen'.
      The instructions to use Airscreen can be found here:

      You can connect multiple devices to the same PC under Airscreen, and you will be able to watch the same movie with your friends.

      Let us know if you have any other questions regarding SKYBOX.
      We are here to help.


        a month later


        And nice to hear that you are already so far in developing Rift/Vive version of it, i cannot wait for it :]

        And yeah i used Airscreen feature before when i only had Gear VR and it was very nice addition to SkyBox!

        Now i just have to wait for the big release on Rift ;) Is there any mailing list or something like that to know when it is released?

          Hi DARKKi,

          Haha it's so awesome that you are enjoying SKYBOX!! This is exactly why we keep trying to make SKYBOX the best VR video player : )
          The Rift version will be released in approximately two weeks from now.
          Unfortunately we do not have a mailing list, but we will post information about major release and updates right on this forum and on our homepage. You won't miss it lol.

          Thanks again


            Okay, nice to hear that! :]

            Gotta check these forums in few weeks!

            • Andy replied to this.


              Nice! And thanks for replying to me in this about this! :]

              Going to go and test it right away!

              And thanks for this great app and keep up the good work!

                a month later

                What is the update on the multiplayer feature? Sorry for bumping an august 2017 topic. :)

                Have ya'l found few ways? This seems interesting, it would help not make the classic theater option not so lonely.

                • Andy replied to this.


                  Hi kobe6458,

                  We have just landed on the Oculus Rift platform and we are current working on some more urgent features first :)
                  Your patience is much appreciated~


                    14 days later


                    Ohh, multiplayer is in horizon too? I think this app is going to climb up to the top spot on VR movie watching app!

                    Right now there is no good multiplayer player (Bigscreen is the only on that you can say it is an good contender) so there are much demand for it! I have read many comments on VR players on Steam and in all of those there are discussions about multiplayer. There is so much oversaturation of VR players on market right now and 90% of them are pretty bad and have gotten really bad reviews too.

                    Do you plan to support talking with each others (mic) and using touch controls of Rift so you can emote with your friend?

                    Leap Motion (https://www.leapmotion.com/) support would be nice too but that is pretty big ask. Have you looked at that at all btw? Pretty many apps have support for it and they have praised how easy it is to integrate it to own app.

                    • Andy replied to this.


                      Hey how is it going DARKKi,

                      We will definitely include multiplayer in SKYBOX in the future. I am not sure yet how the mic and touch control will get involved in this feature, but I imagine it would be necessary for people to be able to somehow express themselves, because that is the whole point of multiplayer in a VR video player, and being able to talk to each other is certainly very tempting.
                      Yes we are familiar with Leap Motion, but we are still yet to figure out what we can do with it in a VR video player.



                        Hi! Fine and i am enjoying SKYBOX on Gear and Rift! :]

                        Yeah they certainly are things that are needed for multi since there would not be much point into it otherwise. We have used Bigscreen for watching movies with my friends and talking is the most profound things in multi but hand emotes serve very big things too! Like pointing to certain thing, high fiving, shaking your head in disbelief (this is HMD though), etc.

                        And Bigscreen supports Leap Motion and it has much more delicate hand emoting than controllers could ever give. After we had watched many movies together my friend also bought Leap Motion since he was frustrated about how i could do so many things with my hands that with controller you cannot.

                        So just a few suggestions and if you check Bigscreens Steam/Bigscreen forums you can see that emoting is pretty highly conversed.

                        But first let's wait for that SKYBOX multi :]

                        Marko "DARKKi" Miettinen

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