the smb-performance in Skybox is to low. I tested some 180° 3D 4096p Videos with High bitrate. Local in Skybox and via smb with other Playerapp (4X), the videos plays without any issue. In Skybox over smb the videos are stuttering. (not all of them, only HBR-videos over smb)

Since a long time Skybox didn't receive any Updates/Bugfixes. Will Skybox get some Bugfixes in the Future or is the App abandoned?


Edit: I tested the same videos in the same Hardwareconfig over UPNP/DLNA and that works...the videos with suttering via smb plays smooth over DLNA. It must be a Bug with smb.

  • Lucy replied to this.


    Thank you for your feedback.

    We attach great importance to this issue. Could you please share with us(contact@skybox.xyz) a high bitrate video for testing? It would help us troubleshoot if we could reproduce the stuttering issue with the particular video. Thank you!


      Thank you for sharing the video!

      We tested the video using SKYBOX and 4XVR, and found that the video stuttered or buffered after playing a few seconds in both apps over SMB. And we even experienced several app crashes when using 4XVR to play this video.

      The bitrate of this video is so high. According to our tests, the video were slightly smoother when we played over DLNA, but the difference was not too huge.

      Since our test results are inconsistent with yours, we'd like to know: Are you using Quest 2 or Quest 3? And are you using 2.4GHz Wi-Fi or 5GHz Wi-Fi?

        Hello Lucy,

        I am using Quest3 with 5Ghz Wifi6 on Asus Router. I retested the video and i can confirm, that even with DLNA it is not 100% smooth at the first run, but then it runs smooth. With smb it dosen't.
        I have another video to test from the Kandao Gallery, which is perhaps more suitable.
        Smooth over DLNA, stutter with smb.


        edit: I my case, also no stutter with 4xvr over smb (Indoor Kitchen.mp4)

        • Lucy replied to this.


          Hi Dieterdisko,

          Thank you for your response.

          We tested the videos using the LIVE version 1.1.9(2880) and the beta version 1.1.9(2915), but still didn't reproduce the stuttering issue on our side.

          We guess that you may be using SMBv1. If possible, we hope you could provide the "Info" level logs and share a screen recording video. Logs may record some information that helps us see what went wrong. To send logs:

          1. Click SKYBOX's "Global Settings", change the "Logging Levels" to "Info".
          2. Reproduce the issue you mentioned, then click the BUG icon in the upper-right corner of Global Settings.
          3. Send us a bug report attached with logs(tick the "upload logs" box).

          Thanks again for your cooperation!

            i have done two screen recording videos with the Quest 3 while playing the same video once over smb and a second over DLNA. After playing the smb-video i sent an In-App-Bug Report with Logs.

            I uploaded the videos to Google Drive and sent the links to contact@skybox.xyz


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