I found your app a few days ago and I want to say how impressed I am with the app. This is by far the best theater app on the Vision Pro. It's the only Vision Pro theater app that really feels like I am sitting in a real theater.
I have one request other than Dolby/Spatial Audio that looks like it's in development. GrebeUK already mentioned it. The issue is with Vision Pro's lenses' glare in darker environments. You already do a great job with the lighting, and it makes it much better than other apps. I can't use Apple's or IMAX's theater app because the glare is so distracting. Based on what I've read, most users and myself notice glare on the bottom of the lenses. Perhaps in addition to overall brighter lighting, you could add the ability to adjust the lighting just from the floor up or add brighter colored seats?
Really enjoying the app and keep up the great work.