Did anyone else notice a strange artefact while streaming movies with Skybox on Quest 3? In fast moving scenes I notice a sort of X shape pattern in the image. It looks like it is exactly in the middle of the image. Like there is a fraction of a second where there are two scratches on the screen in the shape a cross (x). Too bad because besides this I love the app.



    Hi Thijs,

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Could you please share with us a screenshot or video recording of the issue? We also hope you can share with us the specific video for testing purpose. Thank you!

      I’m seeing the same thing. Especially when movie changing colour quickly (I.e something flashing)

        Hello, did you enable "Pro-HD Quality" in Global Settings?

          I have same issue with Pro-HD mode.
          It appears when I set 72Hz with 24fps 3D movies.
          But I remember that 72Hz was set for 24fps movies with auto refresh rate setting when I checked in older version.
          Is it intended that sets 90Hz for 24fps movies?

          • Lucy replied to this.

            Lucy yes I did. Once I turned it off, issue resolved

            • Lucy replied to this.

              我的Quest3一样是有这个问题,看斗破苍穹年番 第66话的时候,一集看下来,可能是快速运动的镜头,屏幕会出现一个大X !!!!!!

                这个问题很影响观看,Quest2的时候没遇到这个问题,我看有网友说可能需要在Ouclus DebugTools中关闭移动AWS选项,我还没有试过

                • Lucy replied to this.

                  视频高清画质确实很高清,但问题大概率是视频高清画质导致的 😅

                    irisis Miyaha lulu
                    Hi friends,

                    We're looking into the problem. I'll keep you noticed when there is a fixed version available. Thanks again for your feedback!

                      a month later

                      This issue is still present with 1.1.6 beta. Is there any update coming?

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