when i use passthrough mode, if i moved, the screen will be moved , please fix it ,and add feature i can control screen size in same distance, please fix the screen to the real wall of the space so that it does not move
chao51800 Hi there,
Sorry for the inconvenience!
We're looking at how to fix the passthrough issue. Please make sure you disable the "Lock Screen" feature in Advanced Settings.
chao51800 您好,感谢您的反馈!我们会研究一下如何在后续版本修复这个问题。
This request has not yet been fulfilled. I have always wanted to fix the screen during the pass-through space, like the built-in gallery in Meta Horizon OS or Youtube VR. Right now, if I try to approach the screen or go around to the side, the screen moves to follow my viewpoint. Many video player apps don't seem to be able to do this, is it technically difficult?