Hi! I´m using Skybox on the Quest 2, and since I got my first PCVR headset I wanted to use it with Steam as well.
However, I see the listing on Steam, but I can´t buy it, the menu is missing. I can buy any other VR title, so this isn´t related to my setup.
Is Skybox currently unavailable for Steam users, and if so, when will it become available again?
Btw: I wouldn´t mind giving the Beta a try.
Cheers, Christian

Edit: Nevermind, I found the following post: https://forum.skybox.xyz/d/1195-steam-version
Any updates on when Skybox will become available on the Steam Store again? Would be willing the buy the Beta on Steam as well.

  • Lucy replied to this.

    Hi there,

    At present, SKYBOX is not available for purchase in Steam store. When the beta version gets more stable, we'll release the official version of SKYBOX in Steam store. Thanks for your understanding and support!

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