Hello i've been experiencing this problem yesterday and i can't seem to figure out why it won't connect. Firewall is turned off, it only happened yesterday and i rarely use both my PC and my Quest 2. I've been using AirScreen for a while now but for some reason it no longer works. Where do i see the error logs and how do i send it?

I'm using Quest 2, 64gb, and Skybox VR PC beta 3 latest.

  • Lucy replied to this.


    Hi, it's probably because the HTTP port was occupied.

    You can share with us(contact@skybox.xyz) your Oculus registered email. We'll add you to our beta channel and offer you a fix Quest version 1.1.0(556) to troubleshoot.

    What's more, please click the WeTransfer link to download SKYBOX Windows Client (fix version 479) on your pc: https://we.tl/t-eKvqUw5Ily

    You should be able to play videos via AirScreen when using both fix version on your Quest and pc.

    What's more, you can find the log files in C:\Users<Your Username>\AppData\Roaming\SKYBOX\logs.

    Kind regards,

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