Last Update cause SMB don't play video. It's black Screen. How do i Fix?
But DLNA is fine.

    Same exact thing going on here. ALL SMB videos are broken!!!

    Have not tested DLNA

      goftzz brendon0
      Hi there,

      Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience caused!

      First, please try to uninstall and reinstall SKYBOX on your Quest.

      If the problem still remains, please share with us your log file, so we can better check what happened:

      1. Connect your Quest 2 to your PC through a cable, then the "Quest 2" folder will appear on your PC.
      2. Send us( the log files located in Quest 2\Android\data\xyz.skybox.player.ovr\files\Log
        You can compress the files into a zip file. 🙂

      Looking forward to your reply. We’ll fix the issue ASAP!

        我有相同的问题,不播放黑屏,滚动条不显示时长,可以访问到SMB,但是不能播放,UNRAID 的nas服务器,1.05都没问题,更新出问题了

        • Lucy replied to this.

          Updated to latest beta version 1.1.0 (520) [was also having problem on 510). Videos that are in the Quest 2's internal memory work normally. But over the network, the videos are not played, just a black screen, no sound and no playback time. No matter the video type (2d/3d) or format. I went back to version 1.0.5 and it works normally.



            请您点击“全局设置”,打开“显示帧率”选项查看版本号,SKYBOX 最新版本为 1.1.0(525)。

            另外,如果卸载重装应用后,SMB 服务器中的视频在 1.1.0 版本中仍然黑屏无法播放,请您将日志文件发给我们,以便我们进一步定位问题,并进行修复。

            日志文件的位置在:Quest 2\Android\data\xyz.skybox.player.ovr\files\Log。你需要提前将 Quest 2 头显与电脑连接,并在头显中同意电脑访问数据,便能在电脑上看到名为 ”Quest 2“ 的文件夹。


            期待您的回复,我们会尽快解决 1.1.0 版本上出现的问题!


            • bcfx replied to this.

              Lucy 是SKYBOX 最新版本为 1.1.0(525),之前我复制别人的描述,没看版本号。日志已经发过去了

                goftzz brendon0

                We released a fixed version 1.1.0(535) yesterday.

                Please kindly update to 1.1.0(535) and have a try. You can click "Global Settings" and turn on “Show FPS” to check the version number.

                We appreciate if you can tell us whether this version fixed your problem.

                Feel free to contact us if you have any problems. We'll try our best to fix them ASAP. 🙂

                Kind regards,

                  Seems to be resolved in the 1.1.0 .540 version.

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