I run Skybox app on Windows 10 PC.
Skybox on Quest2 doesn't load SRT subtitles (claims no subtitles found). The SRT file is in same folder as the MKV file and with the same name.
Same thing happens if I play the movie over regular SMB.
But if I copy the movie and SRT to Quest2's internal storage then Skybox has no problems with the subtitles. It is cumbersome having to copy every movie to Quest2 before watching.

  • Lucy replied to this.

    Hello eefiasfira,

    Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience.

    If the .srt external subtile file doesn't show up when you play videos via SMB, please kindly share with us your Oculus registered email at contact@skybox.xyz. Then we will add you to our beta channel, your problem may be solved there.

    Meanwhile, would you mind sharing with us the movie and the .srt subtile file? We'd like to test it on our side as we're not sure what's going wrong on SKYBOX Windows Client.

    Thanks again for your feedback and we are eager to help you solve this problem.

    Have a good day!

    Best regards,

      8 days later

      Skybox dev team should figure out how to test their product using all file types, using their own sample files. It doesn't make sense to ask every customer to send gigabytes of movie files to you. Pls download a mkv movie via Bittorrent/YouTube, or rip one from a BluRay, download SRT file from the internet and test it out yourself. The issue is not with my movie file. It happens with all movies and the problem goes away if I copy the movie/SRT to Quest2 internal storage.

      • Lucy replied to this.

        Hello eefiasfira,

        We'd like to invite you to join our beta channel to test the fix version. Please kindly share with us your Oculus registered email so we can send you the beta invitation.

        Besides, I replied to your email on Nov. 5th and attached a screenshot to show that the srt subtitle does show up when I play the video via SMB on my side. That's why we thought this problem might have something to do with the srt file and need to check it.

        Anyway, your problem may have been solved in the beta channel. And we hope you can try it out.

        Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Have a great day!

        Best regards,

          15 days later

          Hi, I have the same problem. If I use the internal memory of my Oculus Quest 2 the external subtitles (.srt) appear without problems. But using SMB the same movie no longer shows any subtitles. Yes, the subtitle has the same name as the movie.
          Best regards

          • Lucy replied to this.

            Hi there,

            Please kindly reinstall SKYBOX to upgrade to 1.0.5(461), then you should be able to see the external subtitle files using SMB.

            You can fast click "CHANNELS" for five times to check the version number.

            Let me know if the problem still remains with version 1.0.5(461).

            Best regards,

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