• Feature
  • Screen vertical position adjustment, please.

In almost all enviroments, the screen is too high. I have to tilt my head up a little to watch. After a short time, my neck feels great pain. I can work around with the Tilt Slider, but of course it changes the tilt angle, it's far from ideal. I also tried Quest 2's experimental feature "elevate viewpoint", but it's so not enough.

Please add a "screen vertical position slider", or maybe an "audience elevate slider" to elevate the audience.
Many other players support this, but they don't support SMB, that's why I only purchased Skybox.
I really need this. I think customers that have some neck problem will also want this.

Thank you in advance.

  • Lucy replied to this.


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    You can point your right controller straight to the screen, press and hold the Trigger button to grab the screen and drag it to wherever you want when you are in Void, Space Station or Moon scene.

    Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,

      Lucy I have the exact same problem that whowechina, and I already tried to drag the screen, but it's only possible to tilt the screen, which is not perpendicular to the floor after trying to adjust it. A simple slider would be perfect in Void, Space Station or Moon scene.

        Lucy Hi Lucy, thank you for your reply. But it's totally, totally a different thing. I have tried all scenes, the only way too actually move screen down is using rear seats in Cinema scene, but you see it's too far away from the screen. All other scenes, you can not move down screen without tilting. I hate that useless tilting feature, it should be "vertical position".
        Now if I want to watch a movie for over 30 minutes, I have to use BigScreen to protect my neck, although I purchased Skybox.

          Ha, you get my point. With head tilting-up, my neck is always in pain. I can't understand why SkyBox people don't see it.

          • Lucy replied to this.
            5 days later


            Hey friends,

            Now I see what you mean. Thank you so much for your idea!

            The idea sounds good and useful, however, it's not a priority at the moment as we are just a small team with limited workforce. We are working on a major update (both Quest version and Windows/Mac Client) right now.

            Let us know if you have any other concerns or problems when using SKYBOX.

            Have a wonderful day!


              Thank you. Sorry for being pushy.
              But this is really important for nerds like me (who have some neck issue).
              Please consider this in your major update~~~

                4 months later

                Lucy Any luck it's been implemented?
                I've been using BigScreen for a while, I don't like it but at least it woudn't hurt my neck.
                When this adjustment is available on SkyBox, I can finally switch back.

                7 months later

                Another half-year, Pico 4 is out, but this small feature that had blocked me out Skybox still not there.
                So sad.

                  10 months later

                  Lucy Hello Lucy. It's almost 2 years, and it's not there yet. I could only use other free players to watch movie to avoid neck pain, although l purchased Skybox long ago.

                  Yesterday when l tried VR content in Skybox, l noticed the vertical position (height) adjustment is right there under image adjustment. But for regular video, it's not there, just disappeared.
                  Please make this option availble for regular video content, thank you.

                  最近我用 Skybox 看 VR 视频, 发现 高度调整 这个选项就在画面调整里,但是对于普通视频(电影什么的),这个选项就消失了,请帮忙让这个选项2对于普通视频也可用, 求了两年了。

                  5 months later

                  How has it taken this long to fix this minor issue. It's a basic feature in the Bigscreen app, but you're app is sooo much better in most other ways. If i'm lying down, i want to be able to adjust the tilt of the screen and lock the screen in this position. I understand i can adjust it but i can't then lock the screen where i want to watch. The 'lock screen' button should not return to default, rather lock the screen where the user has positioned it. So dissappointed, i'm going to have to get a refund and everything else was perfect.

                    5 months later

                    I agree- for many people this is make or break . If people are not able to adjust their video to a more comfortable viewing angle and are uncomfortable with the default viewing angle - they will not use your app - I am about to refund it because I can't get a comfortable viewing angle

                      17 days later

                      Lucy Hello Lucy, are there any plans to implement the feature now?

                        24 days later

                        I'm looking for a similar but different feature. Instead of moving the screen, I would like to adjust the "ground" so that I'm at the correct height for viewing environments. I often take photospheres when I'm out hiking and like to use VR to view them, but it always puts me at a "seated" height inside the space rather than at the height of the headset. I looked at all the settings, and I couldn't find any way to adjust my "head height" inside Skybox. I would have assumed that it would put me at the height that the HMD is at relative the ground based on the base stations scans, but it appears Skybox keeps you at a seating height. If this can be done already, I would appreciate a pointer in the right direction as to how to change it.

                          3 months later
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