
  • Jun 22, 2019
  • Joined Oct 18, 2018
  • Yum Thank you for the tip. Yes deinstalling and reinstalling did do the trick. Skybox starts now in under 20seconds.
    A new kind of error replaced the old one.
    It does crash quite often when the galaxy S7 is too warm and loading a videos over Kodi Mediaserver not while running, though.

    • Yum replied to this.
    • I have samsung galaxy s7 with gearvr and controller using the latest current version 0.2.2(196).

      When i start the app, from the oculus app menu it takes about 3minutes from clicking the app to seeing the menu.

      I tried deleting the cache, i stoped DLNA and other services in my network. nothing seems to have an impact on the first-loading time.

      What can i do to speed up the time until the menu appears?

      • Yum replied to this.
      • I just installed: 0.20 over the normal update process as gear/VR.
        Your update crashed my workaround.
        To be able to watch images i renamed a full directory of pics to *.mp4.
        The result was, that the player shows one pic and immidiately shows the next one. With almost no possibility to stop. I pressed 100x on the [x] before i was back in the menu. Pheeew.

        • CoolGames
          Where do i have to enter this ? Do i have to root android-handy ?
          My Playstore (germany) says on my Samsung S7 :
          "Dein Gerät ist nicht mit dieser Version kompatibel" - "Your device is not kompatible with this version"
          Android-Version 8.0.0
          Kernel-Version 3.18.91

          • Yum replied to this.
          • It seems to me, that there is no thumbnail-cache for videos displayed over the kodi-krypton media-server.
            At least i found no cache directory. And i am using a filemanager who does display hidden directories.

            • Pumel
              Thank you for the detailed list.
              I cannot be sure to not compromise my anonymity by the filenames i am using. I could probably scan my videolists for IP-numbers, servernames etc. but i rather leave the opportunity of being a beta-tester to other users.

              Thank you for skybox. And always remember there are others like me who would pay for skybox.

              • Yum
                How can i share my problems, when every single video is several GByte in size?
                Does it help that i am using Kodi (v17.6. - Krypton) as a Mediaserver on Windows7

                Also relying on e-mail is annoying for me, cause i would use only anon-remailers. A comment section or even a from-mailer would make this communication to support@ significant easier.

                • I like to see what features are added last or see a development of features over time. Like so many other projects are doing.

                  • Yum replied to this.
                  • Andy
                    Since i do not like long filenames. And skybox does not once detect 180* SBS Videos. Is there a thing we can add to the metadata of our videos? For example: Is there a 180° SBS option in exif data?

                    • Yum replied to this.
                    • Your viewer already supports pictures. I know this because once i renamed the extension of a directory full of pictures to .jpg.mp4 and skybox showed them all. It could be more convenient and support .jpg from the start.

                      • Yum replied to this.
                      • Andy
                        But please not at the cost of an even longer startup.

                        • Yum replied to this.
                        • Andy
                          Is this local thumbnail cache viewable from outside the skybox app?
                          I dont want my pornos to show up in the gallery.

                          • How much anonymity can i preserve, when becoming a betatester? My gear VR - oculus account and my skybox account so far are ficticious. But my account can of course easily be traced to a phonenumber or maybe imsi.
                            I do watch a lot of porn with skybox, so i do not need a detailed trace of what i am watching connected to my phonenumber.
                            I am a coder and was betatester for an antivirus company. So i am a bit informed about what there is to do.

                            PS: I like skybox to be able to view *.jpg as well. Thank you for a great app, anyway. ;-)