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Resolved issues or feature requests.
Remember last position in "File Explorer"
AV1 support
Can't connect to SMB server
Little pop-up windows (battery level, etc.) hides the searchbar in UI
Airscreen not finding computer in skybox.
Airscreen on Oculus Go not working anymore
Airstream no longer detects PC Server after the latest update (s)
Trojan virus founded in Windows client install package.
Install Skybox to Quest 3, after purchase on Quest 2
Reset Position is not centered
How to add thumbnails/posters for movies on SMB drive?
Apple Vision - Problem playing mp4's off network share
"Full SBS matching" incorrect ("off" by default)
WebDAV 挂载115无法播放视频文件
Quest 2 Skybox VR Player shows "no files" on Plex DLNA Server(s)
Slideshow navigation
Youtube video not playing (research result)
The video does not resume playback (I get a black screen).
vision pro 2.0 beta5 剧院视角跑到沙发下面了
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