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Report bugs or issues you encountered
Skyboxvr usb issue
Corrupt audio when skipping through video
Ambisonic / Spatial Audio does not work
Buffering issue
Some advices for the AVP version
Why does playback restart when putting headset away?
ErrorCode:C06D Connecting to Synology NAS
3D photos wrong aspect ratio.
AirScreen should keep the desktop from sleeping while playing videos.
vision pro 最新版本加载字幕后 还是卡顿!!!
vision pro 最新版本播放40分钟以后就突然变得很卡 1秒1帧的那种卡
Loop and shuffle options disabled when playing from network files
skybox pc端不能安裝
vision pro版本 外挂字幕完全不好用
Oculus Rift CV1 controller not appearing (resolved)
Still showing deleted stuff under "All videos".
Youtube Videos Not Working
AVP tinny sound
Unrecognized video files on USB key and USB SSD
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