Hi devs,
I have many times compared the performances of VLC (that you use as skybox core ) against the universally acclaimed MPV on a large range of videos (1080p, 4k, stereo double stream...) and MPV literally crushes VLC in terms of performances (order of magnitude on some cases) on equal hardware.
-Scrolling through video: VLC freezes between each position when MPV can scroll full speed with zero lag.
-4K videos on small configs : VLC will struggle and in some case will not be able to reach 24 fps, when MPV is totally fluid on the same files/machine.
-Size on disk and memory: Here again MPV takes more then 2 times less disk space than VLC leading in smaller app size, however VLC uses less memory in general than MPV (30 percent less), but it is 230MB vs 290MB on a stereo fullHD video, so the difference is not an issue at all on today's hardware.
In short, especially on limited hardware such as Oculus Quest, using libmpv instead of libvlc will increase the performances of your player A LOT and I would recommend to seriously consider the switch.
I did this post not as a critic but as a happy customer who who like the best of the best from your great player (especially since I saw regularly videos freezing on my quest with Skybox).