I got my Oculus Quest few days ago. I instantly bought Skybox and I was very frustrated since it just couldn't connect to my Win10 shared folder. I could see my Win10 PC on Skybox but it never accepts my username/password!? I google-fu'd and made a new user but no, "username/password wrong". My android phone connects both just fine, I'm 99% sure fault is in Skybox. Then I tried to put up a default Win10 mediaserver and it worked instantly without any passwords. So here's how to easily share movies (to everyone) in your lan but only when you want.
(Of course you can also use Windows 10's Media server ability (google it), but since VR movies are mostly adult content you may want to restrict them)
- Install free UMS (Universal Media Server), this may want to install Avisynth too but I dont think it's necessary, i installed it thou
- Start the server first time, add folders you want to be shared and then quit so additional files are created (this might not be necessary, but this is how I did it)
- Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Universal Media Server\UMS.conf in notepad
- Search (CTRL+F) for line "disable_transcoding" and change it to disable_transcoding = true
- ???
Now you have to open UMS when you want to watch movies from your PC, it's one additional step but better than nothing. You can also stream videos without disabling transcoding, but that also takes away ability to jump or fast forward videos.