Why do I have to enter my username and password every time I want to access a file on an SMB share? Checking to the box to remember it apparently is not working. I'm on the Oculus Quest.
kadeschs danb Tonio
We are releasing a new version in beta testing: https://forum.skybox.xyz/d/903-quest-beta-v1-0-2-available-for-testing-with-support-to-search-smb-ip-address This version should fix the issue that SMB username/password cannot be remembered and also the field is optimized.
If you are interested in testing it, please reach us at contact@skybox.xyz so we could add you into the beta channel.
I have the same problem with oculus quest 2.
Same problem for me. In addition, the field is quite tiny, and I did not see all the letters of my login/password !