• Bug
  • broke on GearVR - won't load or play videos, crashes


great app, used it on oculus rift, quest, and now GearVR. Several weeks ago, it completely stopped working on GearVR, sometimes it loads, sometimes it crashes, just goes back to GearVR home. When it loads it will try to play before crashing back to home, no error. I read in a comment on the reviews that there is a limit to how many videos it can index... is this the issue? I have a note9, and have loaded it up with VR videos on the internal and the SD card, plus my note has lots of phone camera videos.

Is this a known bug/update issue? Thanks for your work, its the best app, and grazie that its free.

    On more checking... it looks like the last Android major update may have caused the issue. The Oculus app for GearVR just showed a notification on my phone that says it was built for an earlier Android version.

    • Yum replied to this.


      Next time plz don't rush updating Android versions...
      Since Samsung and Oculus both dropped support for GearVR, the compatibility of Gear VR could be tricky when Android releases a new version.

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