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  • Video Listing Width and Preview Picture Size

First of all thanks for this great player. Excellent work so far.
I use it with my Oculus Quest.

If I may - I have two wishes for the future: I use the video listing mode where I have a line per video and and small preview picture on the left side.

1) the width of the video listing ist a little too short for my naming conventions - this cuts important infos
So it would be cool, if there was a possibility to set a parameter so that the filename fits into the line (at least a little bit more characters would be cool). I am aware that the menu would get expanded - but its VR - with the Quest I just need to rotate my Head a little. So the possibilities for optimizing the viewing experince are nearly endless.
Or if that's too complicated or too much work maybe the line (preview and text) could zoom out with higher width if You stay more than 3 seconds on the line with the pointer of the controller. So the boundaries of the current menu could stay like they are and a temporary overlay with picture and title could pop out for besser viewing ... moving the pointer would close the overlay and we are back in the main listing.
In my dreams both features [w|c]ould get implemented ;-)

2) the preview picture of the video in the listing is nice but a little bit too small for recognizing anything
Maybe here You could also considering a feature to zoom out the picture if the pointer is more than 3 seconds (more or less) on the specific line of the menu listing
If this could be combined with the title zooming out, it is the same request as in topic #1.

I know this is a lot to ask but excellent developers like You absolutely could bring that to us.

Thanks in advance - keep up the good work and Merry Christmas.

  • Yum replied to this.


    Thanks for the feedback.

    1. Are you using List View or Grid View please?
      We will add an extra line when displaying filenames in Grid View (now there's only one line).
      For List View, we will optimize the display when you hover on the filename.
      It's expected that both features mentioned above will be released in the next version of SKYBOX in Quest/Go.

    2. Do you feel the thumbnail is too small for you even you use Grid View please?
      We are thinking about a third view option which displays rather bigger thumbnails with short names. But that's still in planning phase.

    Thank you for your patience and support.
    Happy holidays to you too :)


      1) normally I use the list view - one clip per line with a small preview picture, filename, size and duration ... exactly what i want but the text part could be wider ... I always need to go over the line with the pointer to see the whole title ... and this popup has a linefeed ... its ok but a broader line with all information would be better to read. And maybe a bigger picture preview could brought into this popup.
      Maybe this could be an additional listing mode ;-)
      And great to hear that You will improve that - can't await to check it out.

      2) Grid view is not the preferred listing mode for me. But the size of the preview picture ist convenient. Here is the same problem that the popup - when the pointer is hovering over the line - has a line feed.

      Cool would be if the preview could be a little bit animated (at 1-2 min position of the video). A gimmick for the future.

      Thanks a lot

      • Yum replied to this.
        6 days later


        We will always release the new feature first in beta channel.
        If you are interested, please share with us your Oculus registered email to contact@skybox.xyz so we could add you into the beta list.

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