I have four SMB servers that I access regularly with SKYBOX, as well as other programs. Two of them are Windows 10 and two of them are Drobo NAS (5N and 5N2). Since I have received the 0.2.0 version of SKYBOX, I have not been able to access any of them. Before receiving the beta, I accessed all four with SKYBOX. I can still access all four with a Windows client, with a Mac client, and with apps on my phone that can do SMB, with Kodi, Emby, etc, but not with SKYBOX.

When I try to browse to either of the Windows 10 servers, I am able to see all of the SMB shares on the server, but as soon as I choose one, there is about a five second delay, and then SKYBOX quits or crashes.

When I try to browse to either of the Drobo servers, I am able to see all of the SMB shares on the server, but as soon as I choose one, I see a brief red message saying "network error" and then I'm right in the file browser at the spot before I picked the Drobo server.

Incredibly disappointing! All of my media is on those servers, so I can't use SKYBOX until this is fixed.

    Is there something I can do to get SKYBOX to forget remembered SMB passwords? In case that's related in any way, I'd like to re-enter the username and passwords for the SMB servers.

    • Yum replied to this.


      We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
      Since the beta v0.2.0 release, we have received some feedback reporting that SMB fails to connect.
      To troubleshoot this issue, we set up a new test channel to release a customized version with different log file.
      Please send your Oculus registered email as beta tester to us at contact@skybox.xyz so we can move you in.

      Forget SMB passwords (two ways):

      1. Connect your device to PC and find the file which containing the encrypted SMB username and password:
        Delete this file and you will be able to re-login the SMB.

      2. When you access to one SMB share folder, click on the wrench on the right upper corner and there is an option to log-out the SMB folder. Click on this option and next time you access to this SMB you will be requested to input username and password.

      Hope this info helps and we are looking forwards to your email.


        I did the first way (to forget SMB passwords) and SKYBOX did not prompt for password, and errored the same way.

        Then, (for testing purposes only--I'm not going to leave it like this) I changed my SMB share so that everyone can access it without authentication. Then SKYBOX connected just fine.

        So the problem is that SKYBOX no longer recognizes that an SMB share requires authentication, and instead tries to access SMB shares as if they required no authentication.

        • Yum replied to this.


          Thanks for this info! We will try it out.
          Our dev team are working on a new beta v0.2.0 to solve this SMB issue.
          Please send your Oculus registered email to us at contact@skybox.xyz so we can move you into this special test channel.


            5 days later

            Sorry, I'm not comfortable sharing detailed logs of what I watch in SKYBOX, so I probably should not have signed up for the beta. Please put me back on the normal user channel. The feedback I have from participating in the beta is:

            1. There is a problem (new to 0.2.0 beta--it worked fine before) accessing SMB shares that require username/password.
            2. Everything else related to SMB seems very good. Performance, speed of accessing files, etc, seems good.
            3. I would like to be able to delete files from an SMB share.
            4. I would like to be able to set favorites from an SMB share.
            5. The way you are sorting seems silly. I can visually watch the files bounce up and down as they sort. You should turn off screen refresh until sort is complete. Hopefully that will allow sorting to complete more quickly too.

            Thank you.

            • Yum replied to this.


              If you didn't send me an email including your Oculus registered email, then I cannot put you in the special channel.
              Please check your SKYBOX version, if it's v0.2.0(134) then you are still on the normal beta channel.

              1. According to the reports from users in the special SMB channel, this issue is already fixed. We will soon release the official version which SMB should work.
              2. Good to hear.
              3. Technically, this is not possible now because SMB runs on different ports. We need to figure out a solution to delete files via all ports.
              4. This is not possible either because the IP address changes every time we log into the SMB. So SMB cannot remember the "Favorite" setting.
              5. This does happen when you enter into a folder or change to another folder. We'll see what we can improve here.

              Thanks for the detailed feedback!


                22 days later

                Hi I agree with #4... I have an SMB share that is on my NAS - IP is always the same... so saving the NAS SMB share as a favorite would save some time browsing. I also suggested via email to have search ability when browsing SMB. I have over 700 folders... scrolling takes a while.

                Also, I assume latest beta is working without issue for SMB, as it seems to for me...

                  a month later

                  Still having crash when connecting to NAS share with over 700 folders.

                  Also discovered password won't save when connecting to ravpower filehub smb share. It remembers the login until I exit the app, and then asks for user/password again.

                  Finally, is skybox still saving usernames and passwords in the logs? This should be removed. It's not a good idea.

                  I'm using 2.1, so issues still persist...

                  • Yum replied to this.


                    Hi there,

                    Sorry for the late reply.

                    1. Search feature:
                      We will add scrollbar in v0.2.2 and it should help with searching through large amount of files.

                    2. SMB crash:
                      We are going to release a new beta version which does not save the full username/password. Please contact us via email so we can provide further help on your case.

                    3. Remember Log-in:
                      Do you confirm that your server only assigns Static IP Address?

                    Thanks for your support.


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