I have already tried to use the openvpn connection, but it is failed.
Does the Skybox support the connection through openvpn?
If the Skybox do support the openvpn, what are the key settings to make the Skybox and mobile devices to be connected?
Please advice. Thank you.
Is it able to connect to PC with Skybox via openvpn network?
Would you please explain more about openvpn? What do you plan to do by using openvpn connection please?
I'm not sure what you mean. Please elaborate.
Hello, it had been a long time since I ask the openVPN issue. I was a bit busy to visit here again. :D
However, I am still wondering about openVPN issue. openVPN is usally uesd to help us to connect to server passing through blocked port, etc. In addition, it also is used to bind several clients into one network environment.
The second application is what I want to do with SKYBOX server PC and client Gear VR. To make long story short, I want to connect my Gear VR to SKYBOX server via mobile network.
Please help.
Hi there,
Sorry for the late reply.
If you are using mobile's hotspot, then you can connect Gear VR to SKYBOX server (PC Client as we call it).
Regarding openVPN, we highly suggest you to test it for yourself. We currently do not have test channel for this.
Hope this info helps.