• Bug Meta Quest
  • Bug with different images shown on left and right lenses and simple workaround

There is a bug that occurs when viewing comic images using SMB with MetaQuest 2 on Synology NAS, where different pages are often output on the left and right.

The suspected cause seems to be the feature that automatically recognizes 3D images, so I would like you to add a setting that allows users to turn the automatic 3D recognition feature on and off when viewing comic books.

  • Lucy replied to this.


    Thanks for your feedback.

    You can add the key word "2D_Screen" in the filename or folder name. Then SKYBOX will recognize the format based on the key word as a priority. For more info, please see this FAQ.

      Thank you for your reply.

      It's good that you can fix 2D or 3D functions by inserting keywords into folder or file names.

      Considering user convenience, it's more convenient to turn the function on and off in the settings menu than to insert keywords one by one into folder or file names.

      One of the reasons for the delay when moving to the next page in SKYBOX seems to be caused by the parsing to automatically distinguish between 2D and 3D. If the above function is introduced, it seems that it will help improve the speed to some extent.

      Sometimes, I install other VR players and look for alternative apps because of this small feature.

      • Lucy replied to this.

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I will pass your suggestion to our dev team.

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