Hello!, first of all great job with SkyBox!
Secondly, I wonder if I can bring two things to your attention again that might be able to help out users:
1) This is the most important one. The older SkyBox versions allowed you to really skip forward and backward based on amount of exact seconds instead of looking for keyframe (i think that's how it's called) - that is very annoying to deal with because I'm a person who backwards a lot and it just takes more time to find what you want to see again.
Any chance you can again seek via real seconds?
2) This is super minor and not important but in the older SkyBox versions, when you were in one background environment and chose certain amount of lighting, it will remember it based on specific background, but now in the newer versions it "remembers" it even if you change a background environment.
Like i like the "Void" to be fully black/no lighting but if I watch in Cinema i want level 3. 3
Thank you guys!