When playing youtube VR180 videos on my Quest 3, the video output is distorted using Skybox, as opposed to using the Youtube VR app. Playing the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOQcmcL4Prs for example, the Youtube VR app displays the image correctly, whereas the performer in the center looks like a giant on the Skybox VR player, even when zoomed out all the way.
Below are screenshots of the video when played on the Youtube VR app (notice the checkerboard pattern on the floor).

Images of the same video on Skybox. Notice how the checkerboard on the floor is distorted especially around the edges, and the performer is distorted.

Same video zoomed out. The distortion is still present.

I have been exhibiting this issue with other stereoscopic VR180 videos from Youtube. I haven't found any ways to correct what seems to be like pincushion distortion. The youtube section in the app only has a 360 option. If there was a an option to change the way VR180 videos wrap around the user, or have it automatically correct these issues for Youtube VR videos, that would be fantastic.
Let me know if any more information is needed. Thanks.