as my title say,is this possible?
In the future, will update can apply multiple 2D videos?
Hi Mitnight,
I don't want to side track your request for a feature, but I DO want to suggest a work around in the meantime. If you have Premier or some other video editing sofware, Open one of your videos that is 1920x1080. you can change the video resolution to 3414x3840. Make sure the actual video portion of the clip is ligned up against the left side of the video. And then just add the second 1920x1080 video on the right side, and export it. Watch it as a 180 degree video, fisheye. The first video will be at your front, the other at your back, and you can look around the video. If you don't convert the vertical resolution to 3414, you will just get to flat screens that follow you, and you won't be able to see the back screen because it will always stay at your back.