Hey! I've noticed that in version 1.1.6 and 1.1.7 when new folder appears, skybox is trying to download all the metadata before showing new folder. The effect is when you connect a storage and DLNA server informs that about Skybox, it can take a while until the folder appears in Skybox. When the folder contains thousands of pictures it takes "forever" for average Joe (you see only refresh circle indicating that something is going on).
The solution would be to not ask for metadata or at least do that asynchronously. It might be that I'm not even willing to enter to that folder so no need for hurry.
How to replicate above situation? Just put sleep(1000) in Skybox app at "get metadata request" to simulate "slow storage" and see that Skybox becomes unusable.
Don't be too greedy when asking for metadata (aka ffprobe)