Is there a way to use my WD Cloud Drive directly with Skybox on my Gear VR? I can watch videos from it using Samsung phone cast, but it wiukd be great to watch them on Skybox.
Yes you can plug it into the USB port on the Gear VR headset :) And it will appear as part of your phone directory.
Does the Gear version not have the Network over DLNA option ye?. That is how I watch videos from my WD Cloud drive on both my Android Daydream and Mixed Reality set.
I'm sorry I do not quite understand your question. SKYBOX currently does support Network via DLNA.
Was more of inquiry on the gear version. I don't have it, but if it does like the other versions then it should work fine on the mycloud device. The OP may just need to look into the drive settings so he can see the drive in Skybox.
xstrider I have no problem accessing MyCloud with the Samsung Phonecast app, but I would like to be able to use Skybox. Hopefully they will enable DLNA access for Skybox in the near future.
If it works on your Gear, it will work on your Oculus Go as the SKYBOX versions are currently the same on both devices.