Hi, I use Skybox extensively for watching movies and TV shows on my Quest 2 while using my Apple AirPods Pro 2. The experience in fantastic! But there's one thing that's not quite perfect.
Without using the Bluetooth latency adjustment, there's a noticeable audio lag. Setting it to -0.1s is an improvement (-0.2s overcompensates). However, it still doesn't sync audio and dialog perfectly -- watching characters talk is still slightly "off". In comparison, when I watch on my iPad where the delay is fixed automatically, character's mouths and voices are perfectly synced.
According to some sources, AirPods Pro 2 is 126ms latency, while AirPods Pro first-gen is 167. (The numbers might be slightly different on the Quest 2, but not by much in my experience.)
So I'd like to ask for more granular adjustment of the values, which are currently in increments of 0.1s (100 ms). Obviously nobody needs 0.001 s (1 ms) precision, but suggestions of precision could include:
- 0.04 s, to correspond to each frame in 25 fps
- 0.033 s, to correspond to each frame in 30 fps (also divides cleanly into existing 0.1s interval)
- 0.02 s, to correspond closely to each frame in 48/50 fps
- 0.01 s, simply dividing existing resolution by 10
If you want to enable maximum accuracy, I'd suggest 0.01 s. This would require 20 clicks to achieve a 200 ms offset, but this is also the kind of setting you really only set once, in most cases, so I don't think it's a major issue.
But if you think 20 clicks to achieve a 200 ms offset is too much, then I'd suggest 0.033 s (1/30 s to be precise), which would take just 6 clicks, but would enable syncing audio to a single frame of regular 30fps content. Plus, because it's cleanly divisible into the current 0.1 setting, everyone's settings would continue as-is.
I very much hope you can implement this! Achieving perfect AV sync is my #1 feature request for Skybox.
And thanks for all the hard work and the great product. 🙂