I am very sorry for your inconvenience.
What platform are you using? Steam or PC Oculus or PC Client?
We need you to send us the log file at contact@skybox.xyz to see what the problem is.
PC Oculus:
C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\skybox-studio-skybox-vr-video-player\SourceVRPlayer\PersistentData
Please send us all the files within this folder except for the \Thumbnail folder.
C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SKYBOX VR Video Player\PersistentData
Please send us all the files within this folder except for the \Thumbnail folder.
PC Client:
C:\Users[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\SKYBOX\app.log.
The 'AppData' Folder is a hidden folder and you can show it by step in picture blow. Sometimes the extension is omitted and only says 'app'.