Where I can find a list of previous releases of SkyBox Windows 10 application?

I'm searching the one with "preview" suffix (before beta-1 I think) because it's the last version where creating thumbnails for videos was working for me.


  • Lucy replied to this.

    Hi, do you mean that the latest SKYBOX Windows Client doesn't load video thumbnails? You can right click the video, select "remove" and re-add the video to see if it helps.

    You can directly click the link to download previous version 0.2.4. You can also find it on our website. Just click Windows Client for "Win 7 & Win 8" to download version 0.2.4.


      Thanks, but it doesn't help. Already tried also reinstalling app and cleaning cache data - same result. In bug reports I see that other users have similar problems as me so most probably some issue of the application.

      Thanks for the link but I wanted version after it - first version of application for windows 10. Most probably you still have it on servers as I can for example just type: https://download.skybox.xyz/skybox-pc-client/SKYBOX_for_Windows_1.0.0(beta-2).exe and download previous version of current app (right now in download page you have link only for beta-3). But sadly I don't remember url for versions before.

      I think would be great if you add links for older releases somewhere as it's common practice for the software and could be very useful for users which have problems with latest release. Thx.


        Just in case information from logs. During creating thumbnails I'm receiving WARNs like this:
        2022-06-08 23:33:00.031 WARN write len=16777216 enqueue 16777216, bufsize=33554432 over high water 8388608 [nio.c:523:hio_write]

        During reading thumbnails:
        2022-06-08 23:26:54.955 INFO [32960-31140][][GET /thumbnail/7fca9109faaa497ea9afc7e12f1442aa]=>[404 Not Found] [HttpServer.cpp:169:on_recv]

        I'm wondering if issue could be character from polish alphabet in my username (last one): "Rafał". So in my case path for skybox data is "C:\Users\Rafał\AppData\Roaming\SKYBOX\". But still - it's saving normally logs so probably not.

        Hope you'll find an issue or will be able to send me link for list of previous app releases. Thanks 🙂

          Lucy I checked it in another user account - this time without characters from my language and it worked. So most probably this is the problem for thumbnails. Would be great if this will be fixed in next update.

          For now I'll be just using workaround by using skybox from another user account.


          • Lucy replied to this.

            Hi! Please launch SKYBOX on your VR headset, click Global Settings and clear cache. The thumbnails issue might be solved after clearing cache in Global Settings.


              Not worked.

              Probably also I'll mention that thumbnails are not created (visible) in skybox windows application. So in my opinion issue is the thing I mentioned above (skybox appdata path with characters specific for some languages).

              • Lucy replied to this.
                4 days later

                ginko Hi! If clearing cache (in Global Settings) doesn't help, please tell us which particular characters might causing this thumbnail issue in your opinion. We'd like to test it to see if it has something to do with specific characters. Thanks in advance!
                Just to confirm, the thumbnail will show up if video filename does not include certain characters in your language, right?

                  6 days later

                  "Hi! If clearing cache (in Global Settings) doesn't help"

                  Not helped, checked it.

                  "the thumbnail will show up if video filename does not include certain characters in your language, right?"

                  No, all thumbnails will not show up. This is because thumbnails will not be created in situation when username has this character in name. So can't be shown as missing in skybox app data directory.

                  The issue is during creating thumbnails for videos - app data for thumbnails is empty when I'm using user with special characters.

                  Workaround for me is:

                  • login to windows with user without special characters
                  • open skybox with this user and load videos
                  • go to this user skybox app data, copy all thumbnails with configs to app data of user with special character. Then thumbnails are normally shown when I open skybox by user with special character.

                  So it looks that issue is not with cache or showing thumbnails. Just creating in situation like I described above. Thanks.

                  For me problematic character is: ł
                  Represented by unicode as: U+0142
                  Wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%81

                  • Lucy replied to this.
                    11 days later

                    ginko Hi, the issue did have something to do the Polish letter ł. Thank you so much for your reminder! Our developer has fixed the issue for you. You can click the WeTransfer link to download the fix version and see if it resolves your issue. Thanks for your patience!

                      Lucy Thanks, it's working now. Great support 🙂

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