Hi, since i got the quest 2 i wanted to watch movies on vr and skybox was the best app so far, the network navigation is just perfect, no need to stream a desktop (facepalm) to watch any video file and losing image quality, but the only problem was the audio, i wanted to hear it from my pc which is connected to a receiver and a good 5.1 system.

After exploring AirScreen i realized the Preview option plays the video/audio on the pc!! BUT slowly goes out of sync inside the Quest2... using the pause/resume option creates a delay of 2-4 seconds, any plans on fixing this?, with that problem solved this would be the only app on the entire VR world that can not only use external audio for playback which is awesome but also decode a network stored file.

Or maybe a plaugin that use the web interface on MPC-BE to sync, like the "Remote for MPC" on the playstore? 😛

For comparison:
The app Bigscreen Beta can do something similar to this BUT requires copying the movie file inside the quest, going to Windows and launch the Oculus program and then on the Bigscreen app the option of "start in desktop mode", after this i have to play the movie stored in the quest and then on windows play the same file via the bigscreen program to sync both videos/audios which allows a perfect sync between Quest+Windows, pausing and resuming works perfectly but is a painfull process.

It does create a sound device on installation, maybe this is why it can be on sync? dunno.

  • Lucy replied to this.


    Hi there,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    To hear the audio from your pc, please follow the steps below:

    1. Connect your Oculus Quest 2 to your PC with a USB cable (Please make sure you have installed Oculus app on your PC)
    2. Enable Oculus Link on your Quest 2, then the Oculus app window will pops up on your pc automatically
    3. Tap "Devices" on the left sidebar, then click on the ">" icon next to your "Quest 2 and Touch"
    4. Turn on "Hear VR Audio from Computer" and select the correct speakers on your PC
    5. Then you can hear the audio from both your headset and the computer audio device. 😆

    I have emailed you some screenshots of the steps above, for your reference.

    As for the AirScreen sync issue, it's may because your Wi-Fi connection is not very stable.

    Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,

      Hi Lucy, thanks for the detailed response, I haven't realized of that option... will test when i get home!.

      Regarding the AirScreen sync issue, i tried on two different routers one AC1750 (866 link speed) and other on AX mode (1200mbps link speed), but can't be stability since airlink and also the bigscreen app + streaming the desktop work fine with no hiccups and also the file I tested was an anime file with low bitrate and just 1080p (a short clip from the last evangelion movie 😀 ) so bandwidth shouldn't be an issue at all (also the quest2 has a dedicated 5ghz link)

        Well, following those steps it connects correctly and i can select the options but doesn't give me any audio sent to the pc regardless of configuration, the only way is to launch airlink or cable link, opening the app inside the oculus link-environment and play the movie but it streams the screen and is noticeable the loss in quality overall.

        AirScreen so far is the only solution but has the sync issue, it depends on the film how fast it can sync, here is a small sample with a movie and for what i could assume the problem is the seeking in the timeline, like both videoplayers choose a different frame but sometimes it locks on the same and from there it can work synced till the end.


          18 days later


          Hello falita:

          I checked the video you attached. Sorry that we haven't optimized audio-to-video synchronization between Quest and pc.

          If you enable Oculus Link and launch the app inside the Oculus Link environment, you should be able to hear the audio from your pc. Please make sure you turn on "Hear VR Audio from Computer" and select the correct speakers on your PC.

          Hope that helps. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

          Best regards,

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