Welcome to SKYBOX official forum! And thanks for joining us. This is a place for you to interact with others, ask for help, share feedback, and more!
To help you get the most out of this forum, we’ve put together the following guidelines. We hope to keep the forum organized and the posts constructive. Please take a moment to read these guidelines.
Start a Discussion: Choose one or two tags related to your post, enter a discussion title then start writing your post.
Tags help categorize all posts and you can view relevant posts simply by tapping a certain tag.
Here are the tags:
🎙️ Official: All official announcements and new releases will be posted here.
🔧 Support: If you come across a question that is not specific to a particular tag, please post it here for help. Note: Search before posting.
💡 Feature: We want to hear from you! Please post your feature request here.
While creating a new feature request, please include:
-Description of the feature
-Why it is valuable to you
🐞 Bug: Here you can report bugs or issues. Note: Search before posting. Maybe the bug has already been fixed.
While creating a bug report, please:
1. Choose the device you are using
2. Title your bug report with a short summary of the bug.
3. Include a detailed description of the bug, for example:
-What were you doing when this problem occurred?
-Does the issue occur randomly or reproducibly?
-Screenshots or videos that clearly show the bug will also help us identify the issue faster.
✅ Solved: Add a “Solved” tag to your post when you are satisfied with the solution. It will be helpful for those who are looking for answers.
👀 Off-Topic: All other discussions that are not relevant to any of the sections above.
💼 Resources: Here you can share what you like and find what you might like.
Besides, if you need immediate support, you can @Yum, @Jenny or @Lucy to contact us. Or you can always reach us at contact@skybox.xyz.